The work presented in this thesis has been carried out in Multiscale Statistical
Physics group of Aalto University School of Science and Technology. The group is
also a part of Academy of Finland’s COMP (Computational Nanoscience) Center of
Excellence. I am very grateful for my supervisor, Prof. Tapio Ala-Nissil¨a, for giving
me the opportunity to carry out doctoral studies as a part of his group. Especially
I want to thank Tapio for being supportive of my ideas, often motivating me to
push them further. I am also very grateful to all the people who I collaborated with
in the process of doing the research reported in this thesis. I want to thank Prof.
Ken Elder for introducing me the Phase field crystal model, helping me to process
my ideas further and reassuring me that the work I’ve been doing is important. I
want to thank my former office mate, Dr. Cristian Achim, for the invaluable help
he provided me in so many technical issues. Prof. Laszlo Gr´an´asy and his group
deserve many thanks for our fruitful collaboration that led to Publication II. Prof.
Seppo Louhenkilpi deserves thanks for all the inspiring discussions about practical
applications of mathematical models that we’ve had over the years.
I also want to thank all my office mates, family and friends, who are too numerous to
be listed by names here. Although most of you haven’t directly contributed in this
work, all the diverting discussions and other activities we’ve had together during
these years have helped me a lot in keeping my motivation up. I know this is the
part where I’m suppose to say that I couldn’t have finished this thesis without you.
As an objective scientist, I’m not sure I can say such thing with certainty. What I
can say with high confidence is that if I had to complete this job without having you
around, I would have become insane by now. The greatest thanks for my sanity of
course belong to my dear wife Lissu, who has always been there for me, even during
the few times that this work pushed me to the limits. So truly, with all my heart:
List of Publications
Author’s contribution
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
2 Phase field crystal model 28
2.1 Mathematical formulation .
2.2 Phase diagram .
2.3 Application to diffusion controlled crystal growth .
3 Connection between density functional theory and phase field crystal
3.1 Density functional theory of classical systems . .
3.1.1 General formulation . 3.1.2 Density expansion.
3.1.3 Density functional theory of freezing . . .
3.1.4 Dynamical density functional theory . . . . . . .
3.2 Derivation of the Swift-Hohenberg phase field crystal model from the
density functional theory .
3.2.1 Approach of Elder et al. (2007) . .
3.2.2 Phase field crystal model of Wu and Karma (2007) .
3.3 Eighth-order phase field crystal model .
3.3.1 Local formulation . 3.3.2 Application to grain boundaries of body-centered-cubic iron
3.3.3 Non-local formulation .
3.3.4 Comparison to dynamical density functional theory
List of Publications
This thesis consists of an overview and of the following publications which are referred
to in the text by their Roman numerals.
I A. Jaatinen and T. Ala-Nissila, “Extended phase diagram of the threedimensional
phase field crystal model,” Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter 22 205402 (2010)
II G. Tegze, L. Gr´an´asy, G. I. T´oth, F. Podmaniczky, A. Jaatinen, T. Ala-
Nissila and T. Pusztai, “Diffusion-controlled anisotropic growth of stable
and metastable crystal polymorphs in the phase-field crystal model,” Physical
Review Letters 103, 035702 (2009)
III A. Jaatinen, C. V. Achim, K. R. Elder, and T. Ala-Nissila, “Thermodynamics
of bcc metals in phase-field-crystal models,” Physical Review E 80,
031602 (2009)
IV A. Jaatinen, C. V. Achim, K. R. Elder and T. Ala-Nissila, “Phase field crystal
study of symmetric tilt grain boundaries of iron,” Technische Mechanik
30, 169-176 (2010)
V A. Jaatinen and T. Ala-Nissila, “Eighth-order phase-field-crystal model for
two-dimensional crystallization,” Physical Review E, accepted for publication.
Author’s contribution.
The author has had an active role in all phases of the research reported in this thesis.
He has written the first drafts of publications I, III, IV and V. Publications I and
V are based on calculations and their interpretations by the author. In Publication
II, the author’s role was defining the thermodynamical driving forces for each phase
studied. Publication III is based on calculations and their interpretations by the
author, except for the grain boundary energies. In Publication IV interpretation of
the results was done by the author.
List of Abbreviations.
BCC Body-centered cubic
BCT Body-centered tetragonal
CDFT Classical density functional theory
CSL Coincidence site lattice
DDFT Dynamical density functional theory (of classical systems)
EOF Eighth-order fit
FCC Face-centered cubic
FOF Fourth-order fit
GBE Grain boundary energy
HCP Hexagonal close-packed
MD Molecular dynamics
PF Phase field
PFC Phase field crystal
RY Ramakrishnan and Yussouff
SH Swift and Hohenberg
WK Wu and Karma
List of Symbols.
S(k) Structure factor
k Length of a wave vector
km Position of the main peak in S(k)
φ(r) Phase field variable
r Spatial coordinate
t Time
M Mobility
F Free energy
α, λ, q0, h, g Parameters of the Swift-Hohenberg PFC model
x Rescaled spatial coordinate
Rescaled parameter of the Swift-Hohenberg PFC model
ψ Dimensionless phase field variable
˜ F Rescaled free energy
τ Rescaled time variable
ψ0 Spatial average of ψ
u Amplitude of density fluctuations
q Wave vector corresponding to density fluctuations
al Lattice spacing
x Position of a moving solid-liquid interface
d Growth velocity parameter for diffusion controlled growth
Ω Grand potential
μint(r) Intrinsic chemical potential
μ Chemical potential
u(r) External potential energy field
ρ(r) One-particle density
F Intrinsic free energy
kB Boltzmann’s constant
T Absolute temperature
λT Thermal de Broglie wavelength
c(n)(r1 . . . rn; ρ0) n-body direct correlation function
ρ0 Reference density
β Thermodynamic beta
h(r) Total pair correlation function
r Length of a spatial coordinate vector
Δρ∗ Fractional density change in freezing
G Reciprocal lattice vector
μG Amplitude of Fourier mode corresponding to G
γ Friction coefficient
F Potential force
f Gaussian random force
n Dimensionless density variable
¯ρ Spatial average of ρ(r)
C(r) Reference density times two-body direct correlation function
ES Expansion parameter in fourth- and eighth-order expansions of ˆ C(k)
a, b Parameters for local part of free energy in DFT-based PFC models
EB Expansion parameter in eighth-order expansion of ˆ C(k)
θ Misorientation angle of a grain boundary
w(r) Weighing function
ρs, ρl Densities of solid and liquid phases at coexistence
ρi Initial density
Δ Undercooling
v Velocity of a solid-liquid interface
D Effective diffusion coefficient
L Linear part of time-evolution operator
N Non-linear part of time-evolution operator
F, F−1 Forward and inverse Fourier transform operators
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